Skip & Me

Met with my buddy Skip Claprood today (11/19/19) for a quick get together in San Clemente. Skip is a Wilson A2000 guru. He has a full run of them starting in the first year, 1958, and can identify them without even looking in catalogs. I can’t do that for A2000’s. He knows all of the nuances from year to year and is a valuable resource for A2000’s (and A2001’s). I’m strictly a vintage guy and always learn something when we meet.

I brought a couple of mine to show him and he then gave me one of his extras. He’s like that. Worth a couple of beers any day!

Everybody, meet Skip. Helluva good guy and always happy to help answer anything about A2000’s and is super sharp regarding 50’s & 60’s models in general. He’s looking for a Rawlings TGP if anyone has one.

Click the link below to view his A2000 research.


Please feel free to drop him a note to say hi or ask him a question. He can be reached at


Skip and Me

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